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Bernadette Bohan - The Choice The Programme (Book)
Bernadette Bohan - The Choice The Programme (Book)

Bernadette Bohan - The Choice The Programme (Book)


Due to public demand, Bernadette shares the simple 4-step plan that helped save her life. She take you though each of the necessary steps – juicing, power foods, pure water and safe toiletries – and shows you how little it takes to make a huge difference to your health.

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Bernadette decided to take her health into her own hands the second time she was diagnosed with cancer – and with incredible results. Not only did she win her fight against cancer but she also completely transformed her health, improved her eyesight and regained the figure she had when she was 18.

Includes 75 easy recipes, with mouth-watering contributions from the chefs at Cornucopia, Dublin’s No.1 vegetarian restaurant.