Eczema can be tough for an adult or child to cope with. It is estimated that about one in 10 people are affected by eczema at some point in their lives, so it’s worth investigating what treatments are out there. Skin specialist Bernie Fahy, talks eczema and its various treatments.
What is eczema?
An allergic state is the fundamental profile of eczema. Of patients who suffer from asthma, hay fever and food allergies, approximately 70 per cent will report eczema too. Immunoglobulin E antibodies are present in elevated levels in 80 per cent of eczema sufferers. These antibodies stimulate mast cells to release histamine, dissolving healthy skin cells and causing skin to appear infected or injured.
Age profile
Different parts of the body are affected at different ages. Adults present with localized inflammation such as hands, ankles and the backs of feet. Children and adolescents tend to suffer in the folds of the skin where the limbs bend. Infants show weeping, inflamed patches with crusted plaques on the face, neck and groin. These lesions are at risk of infection with staphylococcus aureus. Physicians tend to treat this condition with antihistamines or steroids in severe cases, but prescription drugs risk side-effects.
Interestingly, breastfeeding can play a role. Since the 1930s, scientists found that infant eczema sufferers have a deficiency of essential fatty acids, which in turn leads to an imbalance in the immune system destroying healthy skin cells and stimulating their rapid replacement. Another reason why breast-feeding can be better for babies.
Natural treatments
Eczema can be treated successfully by natural means. Dietary advice would be to include a serving of cold-water fish each week. Dietary supplementation causes good fatty acids to arrive into the linings of skin cells, protecting them from the tissue-destructive cells of the immune system.
Supplements include evening primrose oil. This oil can naturally correct fatty acid profiles in adults, children and infants. Probiotics and prebiotics when taken daily can also have positive effects on eczema sufferers.
One tablespoon of flaxseed oil daily can be beneficial too, while vitamins A and E are recommended in a monitored programme. A clarifying supplement containing vitamins A, C and E is available. It helps reduce inflammation internally and is clinically proven to help the inner defenses.
Herbal remedies also provide a natural option to help calm an eczema flare-up. Burdock and liquorice have proven effective and also have the benefit of being relatively inexpensive with no chemicals that would risk side effects. Burdock is a source of inulin, which provides an immune defence against bacterial infection. Dandelion is also a source of inulin.
Finally, I’d recommend Suvex Soothe® for this condition as it really reduces the itch which breaks the cycle of the skin being inflamed. It’s soothing natural ingredients will calm and replenish the skin, moisturising, cooling and reducing irritation very quickly. You can order a free sample of Suvex Soothe online
By following expert guidelines, we really can manage this condition and alleviate the discomfort for sufferers of all ages. So, don’t suffer in silence: show eczema the exit!
Bernie Fahy is a Skin Specialist with over 20 years’ experience. You can contact her at www.skinspecialist.ie. First consultations are free.